A MAN who was helping a friend remove some rubbish helped himself to his car.

Blackburn magistrates heard after Liam Timmons had taken the vehicle he crashed into two parked cars.

Timmons, 49, of Bolton Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to unauthorised taking of a Renault Kangoo aggravated by damage caused, driving other than in accordance with a licence and without insurance.

He was made subject to a curfew for eight weeks between 7pm and 5am, disqualified from driving for 12 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and £95 victim surcharge.

Janice Vallance, prosecuting, said Timmons had been helping a friend clear away some rubbish.

"The friend asked him to put some of the rubbish in the back of the vehicle and he went to the toilet," said Miss Vallance.

"When he returned the defendant had gone and so had the vehicle."

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said his client had been given the keys to the vehicle.

"He foolishly went to take the rubbish to the tip instead of waiting for his friend to drive them there," said Mr Taylor.

"He accepts he wasn't given permission to drive the car but he was given the keys. He says that on his way to the tip he sneezed and that caused the collision."