AS New Zealand puts in plans to ban smoking and create a smoke-free country for the country’s youth, the Lancashire Telegraph asked readers if smoking should be banned in beer gardens.

People around the country are finally able to enjoy a drink at a beer garden, but concerns have been risen that their experience will be marred by smokers.

The Lancashire Telegraph readers showed that many thought it was time all places became smoke-free even outside, while some argued this was unfair and would leave smokers with nowhere to socialise, especially after a pandemic.

The Quitting Smoking for Mental Health study with the Vape Club asked 1,000 current and ex-smokers across the UK what could be done to end smoking problems and 26% said it should be banned in all outdoor places, including parks and on pub premises.

Matt Shaw commented on Facebook: “Yes from me. I am all for free liberation, if you had said this 10 years ago I would have said no way, 20 years ago everyone was smoking on the top deck of the bus, but this is 2021, you cannot even buy a menthol cigarette.”

Even a smoker agreed that smoking should be banned as it is harmful to others around.

Zuzka Mankovecka said: “I’m a hard smoker, but I totally agree. If we are seating outside, I never smoke in front of my non-smoker hubby or two sons.

“I know how disgusting it is, if we are enjoying food, drink outside and from the next table my boys or my hubby must breathe the smoke.”

In New Zealand, the goal is to be smoke-free by 2025. This means an increase in the legal drinking age, which currently is at 18 for England as well as in New Zealand and a ban on selling tobacco products to anyone born after 2004.

The UK may struggle to follow suit, but there are other things that can be considered, as smoking is already banned in public enclosed places.

Tracy Foster was sympathetic to non-smokers but also said she agreed with smoking being banned.

She said: “As a non-smoker, yes. If eating it’s not nice seeing and sitting with cigarette ends all over the floor around the table but can’t take outside from the smokers when they have been forced outside during the winter months while us non-smokers have been inside.”

But many people were not happy with the suggestion that smoking should be banned in beer gardens as they thought it was taking things too far.

Leighton Wilky Wilkinson said: “Just ban drinking…job done. Drinking is far more draining on the NHS and any emergency services to be honest.”

Holly Lawrence said: “No, it’s getting stupid banning it everywhere. I don't smoke but think everyone had the right to choose.”