This week temperatures across the UK soared to 24 degrees. This unseasonable rise in temperatures should be a cause for concern.

Ever-rising temperatures will make much of the Earth uninhabitable for future generations. According to scientists, unless we drastically lower our carbon emissions, areas currently home to a third of the world’s population will be as hot as the Sahara Desert within 50 years.

A report by the Climate Impact Lab last year concluded that by 2100, the death toll from extreme heat could nearly equal the then-current death rate from all infectious diseases combined unless greenhouse gas emissions were drastically reduced.

If we wish to tackle the growing problem of climate change, we must look at the main culprit: animal agriculture.

According to the UN, the practice of farming animals is responsible for nearly a fifth of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions – which is why the organisation is calling for a global shift towards vegan eating. In addition to helping the environment, every individual who goes vegan spares nearly 200 animals per year a trip to the slaughterhouse.

In 2021, it’s urgent that we embrace individual change where we can, including in our kitchens, by going vegan. A kinder, safer, and healthier world will be our reward.

Jennifer White

Senior Media Officer. PETA Foundation