If you’re feeling at a loss during this final hurdle towards the ‘end’ of lockdown, I have some recommendations as to how to get through this final stretch.

The best thing to do in situations where the motivation begins to drain is surround yourself with things that don’t remind you of the situation we’re in.

Socialising is key they say, but often you can end up feeling all the worse for it.

You can come away from a conversation with a friend having heard how amazing their lockdown has been and end up resenting them for having come out of all this slightly richer and all the more obnoxious.

Alternatively, you come away from it having had an anxious conversation about the virus, the vaccine and the anchor of most conversations, Netflix.

These are all things that inspire existential dread.

The virus has ruined telly for me, as I see an episode where people shake hands, hug, walk into shops without masks and I can’t help myself from thinking “Woah! What they doing hugging each other?

Hope they sanitized those hands!”.

It has made the most normal situations presented on telly, completely unrelatable.

People on Corrie and EastEnders going through the most unimaginable tragedies and their partners offering succour from two metres away.

I even saw a scene where robbers were heading into a bookies to rob it, quickly adorning their ski-masks, and found myself thinking, “finally, someone obeying the rules!”

Instead of surrounding yourself with boasters or moaners, surround yourself with those who are oblivious.

You can immerse yourself into their clueless world, living vicariously through those that don’t even know what’s going on. And no, I’m not talking about politicians.

Animals, children (of a certain age) and plants all have no idea that we’re living in a strange, restricted version of what life is normally like, so I say immerse yourself in their worlds.

For example, my little nephew doesn’t fret about lockdown or post-pandemic life, the other day he spent some time piling blocks on top of each other, whilst repeating the words “I’m building the Eiffel Tower!”, so we spent the afternoon in Paris that day.

There are also pets, especially dogs, whose gormless expression can launch you into their world of simple pleasures, such as the simple act of walking, which dogs take to a whole new level of thrilling.

Finally, I suggest talking to your plants, asking how they are as you water them, making sure your drooping, withering form isn’t mirrored by them.

We’re almost there! Almost.