Lilies may be beautiful flowers – but they can be fatal to felines, and cat guardians must take note.

Cats are the only animals affected by most lilies, and all parts of the plant are toxic to them. Many types of the flower can cause kidney failure in cats approximately 24 to 72 hours after ingestion.

If you fear your cat may have come into contact with lilies and you see them exhibiting symptoms such as an upset stomach, loss of appetite, vomiting, dehydration, lethargy, increased urination, or thirst, rush out for an emergency vet visit.

Unfortunately, many people with feline companions do not recognise that these symptoms are unusual, and they often do not seek treatment soon enough. If a cat receives veterinary care within the first few hours after ingesting all or part of a lily, they can survive.

So stay vigilant, observe your cat’s behaviour – and when choosing spring flowers to brighten your home, steer clear of lilies.

Sascha Camilli

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)