It is to be hoped that the Labour Party will take up the case of Shamima Begum, a former British citizen who was deprived of her citizenship after she went at 15 to join Isis.

Realistically, she can only apply for it to be restored if she can come to Britain to plead her case in a British court.

But the Supreme Court has now overturned the decision of the Appeal Court that she could on the grounds that in matters of national security the courts have no jurisdiction.

The Home Secretary’s decision cannot be overruled by the courts as she alone is in a position to assess whether Shamima is a threat to national security.

But Priti Patel cannot tell us what the evidence is that Shamima is a continuing threat to national security as her evidence is secret.

So this young woman, who has lost her three children faces indefinite imprisonment in a Kurdish run camp where conditions are appalling and she is under armed guard.

She has been completely denied any access to justice and is clearly the victim of tyranny.

The only organisation which could possibly save her is the Parliamentary Labour Party if is prepared to take up her case. Under Corbyn it certainly would have done. But under Starmer?

Well we shall see.

Malcolm Pittock