MEMBERS of a girls pop group and a music studio are launching a community cohesion initiative by recording a new song just in time for the festive period.

The West End Girls group were recently featured on BBC Newsround with their pop group BANNED and have joined with members of McNally’s Music Tuition on Simmons St in Blackburn, in bringing people from Blackburn together in a creative project that will be recorded in December 2020.

The project is called Bridge Over Troubled Waters, and is supported by the Lancashire Police Commissioner’s Community Action Fund. Members of WEGs and McNally’s are co-writing a song called ‘United’ which will be professionally recorded in a studio.

There are six members taking part from a variety of different backgrounds. They all live in Blackburn, and have been brought together to work on this community cohesion project.

Hafsah Khonat is a newcomer to music but she loves the new project.

She said:“This project is all about bringing people together no matter who you are. It is a very important topic and I’m glad we get to express our views in the form of a song. We have worked with other people from the community as well as BANNED members.

"In a few weeks we will be recorded our song and I’m very excited as well as nervous because this is the first time an original song I’ve helped wrote with the company of others is being professionally recorded.”

The band includes a bass player, guitarist, keyboard player, and three vocalists. The group are being supported throughout the project by McNally’s Music tutors.

Philip McNally of McNally Music Tuition said: "The success of this project and the collaboration between students of McNally Music Tuition and One Voice has once again highlighted the importance of music in breaking down social barries and preconceptions. “

West End Girls is an award winning female empowerment group led by community group One Voice Blackburn.