Police have issued another Lancashire venue with a Covid fine after a Halloween event 'got seriously out of hand'.

Licensing officers investigating the incident found the evening involved 'flagrant and repeated breaches of just about every regulation'.

West Lancashire Borough Council and the Lancashire Police Licensing Team issued the Alpine Club Lodge in Ormskirk with a penalty notice, and said they were 'saddened' at having to enforce such measures as generally pubs and clubs in the area had been adhering to the lockdown rules.

A spokesperson for the police said: "Generally, throughout the lockdowns and other restrictions, West Lancashire pubs, clubs and bars have done a decent job of keeping customers and staff safe.

"Sadly, following a joint investigation by West Lancashire Borough Council and Lancashire Police Licensing Team, Alpine Club Lodge in Ormskirk has been issued with a penalty notice in relation to a Halloween event that got seriously out of hand.

"Usually we engage, explain and encourage before enforcing but their Halloween evening involved flagrant and repeated breaches of just about every regulation.

"We have spoken with the club management and they will be working hard to make their venue safe again when lockdown restrictions are eventually lifted."