A MOTORIST who performed a high-speed overtake didn’t realise he was in full view of a police officer until it was too late.

Blackburn magistrates heard Adam Brindle slowed as soon as he saw the officer but was stopped and subsequently failed a breathalyser.

Brindle, 29, of Picton Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol, without insurance and other than in accordance with a licence.

He was fined £300 with £85 costs and £34 victim surcharge and banned from driving for 12 months.

Tracy Yates, prosecuting, said the officer was on duty on the A666 Bolton Road at 12.45am when he saw two cars approaching at speed.

“The second car performed a sudden overtake and only slowed when he saw the police officer,” said Mrs Yates.

Gareth Price, defending, said the car belonged to his client’s girlfriend. “He decided it wasn’t the safest place to leave the car and was in the process of moving it when he attracted the attention of the police."