A PROLIFIC offender who relapsed into drug use also returned to theft to fund it.

Blackburn magistrates heard that prior to the latest offences Joseph Phillips had managed to keep his nose clean for nearly 12 months.

And David Leach, defending, said that was a remarkable achievement for a man with 112 convictions for 310 offences on his record.

Phillips, 50, of Pine Street, Nelson, pleaded guilty to going equipped for theft with gloves, a torch, a screwdriver and a glass hammer and two charges of theft from motor vehicles. He was remanded on bail for a pre-sentence report.

Tracy Yates, prosecuting, said the theft from vehicles happened in February. Both cars were parked outside the owner's home and they discovered the offences when they went to set off for work in the morning. A screwdriver left in one of the cars had the defendant’s DNA on it, and when Phillips was arrested a pair of gloves stolen from the other car were in his possession.

He was arrested for going equipped for theft on Sunday after police were alerted to two men acting suspiciously in Barrowford.

Phillips ran off when he saw the police and as he fled the officer saw him throw something behind a parked car. He was in possession of gloves and a balaclava when he was caught and the glass hammer and screwdriver were recovered from behind the parked car later.

Mr Leach said his client was a prolific offender who was in a cycle of offending and spending time in prison.

“That has been his life for the last 10 years but last year there was a turning point.

“He was made subject to a suspended sentence and was given the opportunity to join the Gateway Project in Burnley. Since then there has been a huge, huge improvement in his behaviour."