A JUDGE has told an expectant father who has ‘never had a driving lesson in his life’ to grow up after he was clocked at speeds of up to 90mph while trying to escape police.

Beverley Lunt blasted Jordan Maddocks and his behaviour, saying the 26-year-old’s actions were more like that of a teenager.

The court heard that the Blackburn man, who is expecting a baby with his partner, came to the attention of patrolling officers while driving in the town centre on April 6, after computer records showed the car he was driving had no insurance.

However when asked to pull over, Maddocks, of Bolton Road, pulled away, immediately reaching speeds of 75mph in a 30 zone. Throughout the duration of the pursuit, in which he ran red lights and drove through a mini roundabout, Maddocks reached speeds of up to 90mph.

Two drivers were forced to take evasive action to avoid a collision before Maddocks eventually skidded and lost control of the Volkswagen on Hoghton Lane.

He jumped out of the car – leaving two others inside the vehicle – leaping over a hedge. However he was caught a short while later by officers and arrested.

It was later discovered Maddocks had never had a licence, never had a lesson, and had bought the vehicle three days beforehand.

Maddocks had previously pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.

The 26-year-old has 24 convictions for 44 offences on his record. The outraged judge slammed the defendant, saying: “He is 26 years old. This is what 17-year-olds do.”

Addressing the defendant, she said: “You’re a man – is there any chance you could start behaving like one?

“You have got responsibilities. You have a lady and trust me you are not worthy of her. You have a child on the way and you go around driving like this.

“You were doing 90mph at one stage, going 80 in a 50, and doing about 65 in a 30 – seriously?

“That is how people get killed. And it is funny – the driver of the car always seems to walk away. You are too old to be doing this. You cannot drive a car, let us state that for the record.

“You don’t have a licence, you’ve never had a lesson.

“It has to be a prison sentence, there is no question. Appropriate sentence after a trial would have been 21 months. I’ll reduce that to 14 to give you credit for your plea.

“Do I agree you’re going to grow up overnight because you have someone that is going to rely on you by bringing a new life into the world? Well, let us see.

“I’m going to suspend the sentence for two years. I am also going to say you need to attend a thinking skills course and 25 rehabilitation requirement days. Do not comply, don’t go on the course or commit further offences and you and I are going to meet again.

“And you are not going to be happy.”