HE may have been 70-feet up in the air and it was all in a day’s work for Brian Scarborough.

In this great picture from our archives, he is shown dismantling the clock face in the tower of Mill Hill Congregational Church, Blackburn, in 1964.

Health and safety issues were clearly not at the top of the agenda as he is standing on the sill of the circular window which displayed one of the clock faces.

A dwindling congregation had forced the church to close and the clock’s original makers - William Potts and Sons, of Leeds - returned to remove the clock mechanism, its four 6ft-diameter dials and its Cambridge chimes with the hope of refurbishing and re-selling it.

The clock was originally bought by public subscription with £250 being raised to see it installed and running in 1913. The Corporation also chipped in fulfilling a public role - by paying for its illumination by night.