BURNLEY College will this week launch a virtual science and technology festival, which aims to inspire young people to take an interest in science, maths and technology despite the constraints of the current lockdown situation.

The festival is currently in its fifth year, however the event launching on June 26 will be very different from previous outings.

Due to the lockdown the festival will be hosted virtually, with a series of experiments and challenges themed around chemistry, forensics, space, the environment and many more posted to Facebook.

The event is open to the public and is particularly focused on children from the ages of six upwards, whether they are in school or being taught at home by parents.

Many of the challneges are interactive and can be done from home using household products.

Oganisers hope to inspire lifelong passions for STEM subjects.

For more information visit: www.burnley.ac.uk/burnley-science-technology-festival.