A campaign has been relaunched by the fire service to remind people of the importance of community spirit.

Before Christmas, the fire service launched their Nosey Neighbour campaign encouraging the people of Lancashire to look out for their elderly and vulnerable neighbours during winter and the darker nights that comes with it.

Following much success, the service have relaunched the Nosey Neighbour campaign for the coronavirus crisis and are urging people to look out for one another and take care of those who need it the most.

A spokesperson for the fire service said: "There's only going to be one way to get through this and that's together.

"During these times in lockdown anyone could be struggling.

"Nosey Neighbour isn’t just about looking out for the elderly or vulnerable this time, it’s about everyone.

"People may become more vulnerable if they are isolated and being in the house all day may mean people become more complacent about fire safety.

"So we're encouraging people to look out for one another and become a Nosey Neighbour.

"It's not about creeping, sneaking or peeking, it’s about looking after people who need that bit of extra support."

To find out more about Nosey Neighbour, click here.