A RIBBLE Valley-based mental health charity has launched a new helpline for East Lancashire residents isolated by coronavirus.

The Blurred Line Group, created by Langho's Lewis Baxter, has set up the 'Chit Chat' service to provide support for those who are lonely in their homes particularly those in vulnerable health and the over 70s.

It aims to help isolated people with food and household supplies; someone to do their shopping and people to check on them to make sure they are OK.

A Blurred Line Group spokesman said: "Chit Chat is designed to look after the mental health of those who are isolated and fight loneliness to feed the mind . We propose to ring them regularly just to chat fight loneliness make them feel wanted . We will be in contact with other agencies and pass on any requests for physical help.

"The new, anonymous dial-in call line comes as an answer to the coronavirus-enforced isolation period. The Chit Chat line encourages casual discussion for anyone who simply wants to have a chinwag about their day."

A dedicated suite of passionate volunteers will arm the phone lines to lift spirits, boost morale and keep people talking. It will be open from 9 am to 9pm seven days a week, and will provide a new forum for people to discuss topics that matter and are of interest to them.

"The number of the helpline is 0333 002 0333."