DENTAL DILEMMAS – Dr Karim Rachidi from Synergy Dental Clinics helps with advice on dental problems

Q. I’m nearly 40 and feel embarrassed of my crooked teeth. Is it too late for braces?

A. The majority of people who have ongoing issues with crooked teeth have usually been given the opportunity to have braces when they were younger.

There are people who have missed such an opportunity and, as a result have been left with teeth that they are not happy about. The most effective option is a traditional fixed metal brace, which has brackets and bands that are temporarily stuck to the teeth, held together by a flexible wire.

For adults, the idea of traditional metal braces are embarrassing and may look unsightly in front of friends or colleagues.

Nowadays, there is an option that is more appealing and practical for adults who are wishing to get straighter teeth in the form of invisible braces. In many cases this can be easier, quicker and more affordable.

Invisible braces consist of clear plastic aligners which are custom made moulds designed to fit your teeth, which will gradually straighten them over a period of time.

These aligners are generally made to be worn for two weeks at a time and then replaced with a new one that has been modified to direct your teeth to the next step. In order to see the best results, you should wear the aligners for 23 hours a day. They can be removed during meal times and also for when you brush – to ensure you can clean in between your teeth.

Because of the clear plastic, they are virtually invisible and well worth talking to your dentist about.

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