A SCHEME will celebrate the sense of community spirit and cultural diversity in Blackburn.

And an international fashion photographer is on the lookout for models of all ages, genders, religions, ethnicity, shapes and sizes.

Between 11am and 3pm on Friday, Daniel J Benson will be taking pictures at the Community Clothing shop off King William Street for a project forming part of the first British Textile Biennial?

The organisers, including The Guardian and The Observer, are looking for people from all walks of life to be part of the scheme.

A special photo booth will be set-up in the store – where Daniel will take the pics with each shoot lasting just a few minutes.

In the past he has photographed for the likes of Dior, Chanel and Hunter – with his work appearing in publications around the world.

The new images will be displayed at an exhibition in the Community Clothing shop during the Biennial this October and a selection will be shown on the Guardian website.