A MAN with a history of threats to self harm took his own life.

Philip Reid, 40, was found by his wife hanged at his home in Bleasdale Avenue, Clitheroe, on June 5.

An inquest into his death in Preston heard that Mr Reid and his wife, Stacey, had been separated since around 2017, but had still been living together.

Coroner James Newman said: “Due to difficulties in their relationship there was a separation and during counselling to try to get their marriage back on track, Philip made reference to taking his own life.

“Stacey said she was unaware of him ever being on medication or ever having been diagnosed with any medical conditions.

“The relationship continued to break down and although they lived at the same address they agreed to separate.”

Mr Newman told the inquest that Mr Reid carried on making threats to self harm and had threatened to commit suicide after he and his wife separated for good.

He said on June 5, the estranged couple had appeared to have been having an argument by text message, which ended with Mr Reid sending a message that caused Mrs Reid some concern, and she rushed back home from work.

Mr Newman said: “She entered the house and upon shouting for Philip, received no response.

“She went into the kitchen and could see that the garage door was open and looking through the window, could see the sleeve of Philip’s work shirt.

“She found him in the garage."

He was pronounced dead at the scene.

A statement from his GP said Mr Reid had had thoughts of self harm but had never acted on them before, and was referred to the mental health team where he continued to make progress with counselling sessions, before stopping them in 2018.

Mr Newman recorded a conclusion of suicide.”