A MAN with a conviction for child pornography offences produced an old Nokia phone with no internet capability when police carried out a compliance visit.

Blackburn magistrates heard officers investigating another matter two months later found a Samsung smart phone in Abdul Muhit's flat.

And a brief examination showed he had used the phone the day before the compliance visit and the day after.

"He cannot say he had forgotten about it," said Catherine Allan, prosecuting.

Muhit, 33, of Burns Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to breaching a sexual harm prevention order by failing to make available a device capable of accessing the internet.

He was jailed for a total of eight weeks after the court heard the offence put him in breach of a suspended sentence imposed for a previous breach of the same order.

Miss Allan said there had been three previous failures to comply with the order culminating in the suspended sentence.

"This was a deliberate breach," said Miss Allan. "He lied to the officers who carried out the compliance visit in May and eventually admitted he had owned the phone since February."

Gareth Price, defending, said it had been confirmed to his client by the police that there were no pornographic images on the Samsung.

"He admits he didn't volunteer the phone to the police," said Mr Price. "They searched his flat in May. He says the phone wasn't hidden but the police didn't find it."