A PUB landlady has called for a mini-roundabout to be installed after a man and woman were seriously hurt in a crash.

Sandra Kirby has made the call after the crash involving a motorbike and black Toyota Yaris on Shadsworth Road, Blackburn, on Sunday (June 23).

The crash saw the male driver of the motorbike, in his 50s, and a female passenger suffer serious hip and arm injuries.

They were both taken by ambulance to Royal Preston Hospital. Nobody in the car was hurt.

Miss Kirby, who helped the crash victims after the incident, said the road is an 'accident blackspot' and wants a mini-roundabout on the junction of Fecitt Brow and Shadsworth Road near her pub.

The 56-year-old, who has been the landlady of The Foresters on Fecitt Brow for five years, said: "There have been numerous accidents at this junction and along Shadsworth Road since I've been here.

"The junction is at a stop junction but you get motorists ignoring it and not looking when they're turning.

"Then there are cars speeding down Shadsworth Road. The accident on Sunday was the final straw.

"I fear someone will be killed if something isn't done, such as installing a mini-roundabout or traffic lights.

"There are three schools nearby in the area and so you have lots of children walking also.

"The area is an accident blackspot."

Miss Kirby said she has asked Blackburn with Darwen Council about the possibility of a mini-roundabout but said she has had no luck to date.

She added: "Something needs to be done and I'll be launching a petition calling for one."

Cllr Jim Shorrock, who represents the area on Blackburn with Darwen Council, said there had been numerous accidents on the stretch.

He said: "This has been an issue for several years and I'm even more concerned after the accident on Sunday.

"There are three speeding cameras within a few hundred yards of each other on Shadsworth Road but speeding is still an issue.

"You also get motorists parking on grass verges and on double yellow lines, which obscures views at this junction.

"There's a need for a mini-roundabout or traffic lights at the junction but I would call for motorists to take care on the road."

But Blackburn with Darwen Council’s transport boss, Cllr Phil Riley, questioned the need for a mini-roundabout and said the issue was more poor driving.

Cllr Riley said: "From a road traffic point of view, we'd need convincing that a mini-roundabout would be respected if drivers don't respect stop junctions.

"As is due course with serious accidents, we'll investigate and look into the matter."