A 36 YEAR OLD pregnant mother of 10 arrested for being drunk and disorderly spat at a custody detention officer.

Blackburn magistrates heard the victim described it as a "disgusting" act which raised real fears of infection.

Aminah Ali, 36, of Wood Street, Burnley, pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker in the execution of their duty and being drunk and disorderly in St James Street.

She was made subject to a community order for six months with 15 days rehabilitation activity requirement, fined £150 and ordered to pay £100 compensation and £85 costs.

Parveen Akhtar, prosecuting, said police were called to the Boot Inn to a report of a woman throwing bottles and glasses and refusing to leave.

"When police arrived she had left but they saw her going into McDonald's and followed," said Miss Akhtar.

"When she was removed from there it was clear she was heavily intoxicated and she became abusive."

At the police station she was being handcuffed by the detention officer when she spat on her.

The court was told Ali had a lot of problems of her own. She has 10 children, nine of whom are already in care, and is several months pregnant.