A SERIAL rapist with a nappy fetish was caught out after taking horrific pictures - then sharing them with a Blackburn paedophile.

Investigators used new GPS technology to pinpoint images which formed part of Trevor Howard’s stash of indecent photos.

This led them to twisted Gerard Kendrick, 32, who had taken sick picture of little boys and girls being abused at his Liverpool home, a court heard.

Howard, 60, formerly of Whalley Old Road, was jailed for 18 months last November, at Preston Crown Court, after he pleaded guilty to possession of indecent images offences.

Now Kendrick, after being exposed because of Howard’s sick images, is beginning an 18-year jail sentence, after confessing to offences of rape, attempted rape and sexual assaults on six victims.

Liverpool Crown Court heard innovative software, used by police, identified that images had been sent from GPS locations around the city, including Stanley Dock and Kendrick’s home.

Prosecutor Arthur Gibson said the computer programme, as part of advances in investigation techniques, could determine a place, date and time where a particular image had been created.