DENTAL DILEMMAS – Dr Karim Rachidi from Synergy Dental Clinics helps with advice on dental problems

Q. I’ve had my tooth taken out, how can I make sure it heals quickly?

A. Getting a tooth or multiple teeth removed is a substantial procedure that puts a lot of strain on your body and your mouth.

Therefore, after you have had your teeth extracted you should simply do nothing but rest, especially in the first 24-hours after the surgery – as you need to allow the socket as less strain as possible in order for it to heal.

When you return home, you may still be under the influence of the anaesthetic which means you should avoid hot food and drinks until the anaesthetic has completely worn off – because due to the lack of feeling, you won’t be able to feel pain, which means you may burn your mouth. Avoid smoking for as long as you can and try to keep away from alcohol for at least 24 hours afterwards, too.

Even when you go to sleep at night it’s important that you keep your head higher and avoid rinsing your mouth as it could damage the blood clot and slow down the healing process.

It’s important to keep in mind that you will bleed for the first day – this is all part of the healing process so it’s nothing to be alarmed about. If you do notice some bleeding then it’s important to apply pressure to the socket by biting on a cloth or handkerchief for 10-15 minutes.

If the bleeding continues for more than a few hours then get in touch with your dentist.

For more information about dental problems contact Synergy Dental

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