PERMISSION will not be given for any more new homes to be built in Pendle until after 2016, councillors are expected to decide.

The borough council has set limits on the number of new homes that it can allow.

Under a structure plan drawn up in 2001, councillors said 1,970 could be built in the years to 2016.

But a report to Pendle Council has revealed that already 1,902 homes have been built in the first six years of the plan and permission has been given for another 872, taking the borough well over its target.

Councillors said this had left them with an over-supply of housing and a ban on new homes was imposed in 2004.

Now, as developers bid to build more houses in the area, councillors on the borough's executive board are this week being asked to decide whether to keep the ban.

But they are expected to retain it as they could face legal action from the Government if it was abandoned due to the massive over supply.

Planning manager at the council Jonathan Dicken said in a report to councillors: "The borough currently has a substantial oversupply of housing.

"The housing moratorium brought into effect in October 2004 should therefore remain in force until the situation of oversupply has ceased."

If the ban is kept it will not affect housing regeneration projects in the area or the building of affordable homes where needed.

Special needs housing, agricultural or forestry workers homes and the conversion of listed buildings into residential properties will also be exempt.

Councillors on the executive will meet at Nelson Town Hall on Thursday at 7pm to make their decision.