MY grandchildren go to St Paul's School, Hoddlesden, as did their mother, grandfather and great grandparents. The public footpath past the school has always been available for villagers.

This is not unique. I know of other schools where a footpath through the grounds is also the case.

St Paul's is a very caring school and I am sure the children are well supervised when using the adjoining field for play or games.

Therefore, whilst the headmistress's concern for school members is appreciated, the issue is also one of access for the community.

The issue of dog fouling is a separate matter, as this is down to irresponsible dog owners. There needs to be a promotion to raise awareness of the problem, and create a respect for the school grounds.

Some parents drop their children off at the bottom of the steps on Johnson New Road to avoid the increasing traffic outside the school.

Others use it regularly as access to walk from the village to the road.

Closing the footpath would deny access for the community, and is I feel, an unnecessary measure.

PATRICIA COOPER, Waterside Terrace, Waterside, Darwen.