A BRASS band is staging a special concert to celebrate its 140th anniversary on September 8.

And the BMP Ltd Goodshaw band, based in Goodshawfold since it was set up in 1867, will be accompanied by the World Whistling Champion David Morris as a bonus.

The 26-piece ensemble have also released an £8 CD, which cost £3,000 to produce, with popular pieces of film music from Pirates of the Caribbean and Singing in the Rain.

The band set up in 1867 after residents were inspired by a visit from the Padiham Original band.

Band manager and tenor horn player Mark Robinson, a member for 30 years, said: "The concert is a celebration of 140 years of existence and as an added attraction we also have the world whislting champion.

"The secret of our success is keeping dedicated, quality players and having a quality conductor in Kevin Gibbs.

"We are self funded and any money we raise from the sale of the CDs and concerts will go back into the band."

"We do all types of popular music which every one will recognise and enjoy.

New members are welcome to join the band, which rehearses twice a week in a room below Rakefoot Methodist Church, in York Street, Crawshawbooth.

The concert is at Bacup Royal Court Theatre from 7.30pm. For tickets contact Mark on 01706 227331 or pay on the night.