A WOMAN who fled when her estranged husband turned up at her home under the influence of drugs or alcohol received a call from him the following morning to say he had broken into the property.

Blackburn magistrates heard when she returned home the victim found her back door had been smashed.

Ismaeel Hussain, 27, of Beaufort Street, Nelson, pleaded guilty to criminal damage.

He was ordered to pay £250 compensation and £50 costs and made subject to a restraining order for two years which prohibits him from contacting his ex-wife or entering the street where she lives.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, said when Hussain turned up at his ex-wife’s address she feared for her safety and went to spend the night at a friend’s house.

David Lawson, defending, said his client recognised he shouldn’t have caused the damage.

“He wants to draw a line under this and move on,” said Mr Lawson.