A FORMER boxer is helping reduce anti-social behaviour by keeping youngsters off the streets.

Brian Roche, who was the Great British International Amateur champion, is teaching boxing to 15 Briercliffe youngsters at Roche Boxing Club, at the Grapevine Gym, Queen's Lancashire Way, Burnley.

The young people, aged 11 to 20, have been offered weekly boxing sessions in a bid to keep them off the streets and combat anti-social behaviour.

The sessions were organised by PC Ian Thompson and Police Community Support Officer Rachel Lonsdale, who are appealing for more people to come forward to help supervise the youngsters at the Friday night sessions.

Brian has noticed some real talent amongst the youngsters. He said: "Who knows, Briercliffe could produce the next Ricky Hatton or Amir Khan?

"They are doing really well and the training has helped improve their discipline.

"Some of them want to take the boxing further and have joined the gym, and one even managed to kick his drug habit.

"It changes their attitude about fitness, themselves, and how they deal with authority."

PC Thompson and PCSO Lonsdale applied for funding to get the training up and running, and Youth and Community Services have provided transport.

PCSO Lonsdale said: "The youngsters of Briercliffe were asked what they would like to do with their spare time and the majority came up with the same answer - boxing training.

"The training includes circuit training, weights and bag work and is hard work, but highly rewarding."

Anyone interested in help-ing can call PC Thompson on 07984 316855. The sessions will run for three months on Fridays, from 6pm to 8pm.