A MAN attacked his frightened partner of six months as she lay in bed and then smashed up the room, a court was told.

Brent Doney, 20, had been smoking cannabis and drinking and earlier in the evening had abused a group of Asian men chatting on a street corner.

The defendant later told police he knew he lost his temper when he had been drinking and cannabis made him paranoid, Burnley magistrates heard.

Jobless Doney, of May Street, Nelson, admitted assault by beating and using racially aggravated threatening, abusive or insulting behaviour, on July 19.

He was given a 12-month community order with supervision and the addressing substance-related offending programme. He must also pay £75 compensation and £75 costs.

Charlotte Crane, prosecuting, told the court victim Laura Brady had gone out, returned home and at about 11.30pm was in bed when the defendant came back.

He leaned over her shouting, then punched her in the stomach, winding her. Miss Brady struggled to breathe, curled up in bed and was scared. Doney then proceeded to smash the mirror and dresser.

Miss Brady called the police and Doney was arrested.

John Nuttall, defending, said Doney, who was on incapacity benefits, apologised.

He could be given a community order with supervision.

The offences were committed because he had been drinking and taking illegal substances.

The solicitor said: "He conceeds that causes him to offend. He loses his temper."