A group has been set up to make sure children with mental health problems get the support they need.

A watchdog committee for Lancashire County Council has set up the task group.

It comes after the government announced £60million will be invested in children's mental health services in Britain over the next three years.

County Coun Pat Case, chairman of the children and young people's overview and scrutiny committee, said: "This is good news as we are working to ensure that children and young people all over Lancashire have access to good mental health services.

"High quality, flexible and prompt services for young people and a proper support system at referral stage are crucial in the interests of them, and wider society."

Task group chairman County Coun Maureen Martin said: "We want to hear directly from the public, and people who have had experience of using child and adolescent mental health services, to give us their views."

The task group members will pay particular attention to the 'initial layer' of people who have day-to-day contact with children, and who may be able to spot early signs.

The task group will be reporting back later this year.

Anyone who would like to comment can call 01772 532229, or they can email scrutiny@css.lancscc.gov.uk.

They can also send their comments by post to Overview and Scrutiny CYP, Lancashire County Council, PO Box 78, County Hall, Preston PR1 8XJ.