WELL what a Royal Wedding that was! A very big event and how I loved it, all that pomp and ceremony.

I think gives us all the feeling of belonging, and it also gives us a chance to see the royals as real people with feelings, longings and lives that are separate from the front they have to assume when they are out there, in the public eye.

I often think that they must envy us and think how lovely it would be to stroll into the shopping centre and just wander about looking at stuff, rooting and tooting like we have the privilege of doing.

No doubt their lives are very restricted but I am glad to say they do it with seemingly good will, but would I like it? I think not,

Yes, they have staff to do all of those jobs we have to do ourselves, they sit down at the table and the meal is there, their days are all planned, and their friends restricted.

I would also think that their clothes, accessories, and the events they attend are also at the say-so of other people.

Freedom is the one thing we have that they don't.

Just fancy the strain of having to conform to rules every day of your life, of having to live up to the impression that the people have and expect of you, never for one moment in public to relax.

It must be very hard work, and I don't think that it's something most of us would enjoy, but all royals do it constantly seemingly without complaint.

But I would love to know what they really do think, at the end of the day, as they sink into a comfy chair, give a big sigh and kick their shoes off and switch the telly on.

I wonder do they think how great it would be to be one of us ordinary folk, or do they give thanks that they are not?

Living life when all aspects of your life are in the public eye must be hell, constantly being judged, watching every step, every word, every gesture.

Then again I suppose if you have been born into that situation, you come accept it as norma.

But they have my sympathy, my loyalty and admiration, and I do think we are very lucky to have them has heads of state, and examples to us all.