I would just like to introduce myself. I am Linda Mason, I'm the secretary of Eccleshill Gardens Residents Association and also the Clerk for Eccleshill Parish Council. Eccleshill Parish covers quite a large area, but there are only 121 residences. The Parish covers Waterside, Some of Roman Rd and Eccleshill.

The New Parish Council are very pro active. The councillors openly welcome all residents to the monthly meetings. Since the re-formation of the Parish Council in February 2007, we have addressed all the issues residents have.

The Parish Councillors have been very efficient in addressing all issues, and getting satisfactory conclusions. None of which could have been achieved rapidly if we did not have the full support of our ward councillor. Cllr Julie Slater has been a rock. She is true asset to the ward she represents.

Within the Parish we have 2 Residents Associations.

Eccleshill Gardens Residents Association & the newly formed Waterside Residents Group.

Eccleshill Residents group are very active, even though there are only 6 members on the main working group. Last year saw our first Annual Community Fun Day. It was a huge success. This year we are holding our 2nd Annual Community Fun Day. The event will take place on Saturday 25th August. In the morning there will be a car boot sale 8am - 12pm followed by the Fun Day 1pm - 4pm.

The car boot sale will be held on the car park of Chapmans Envelopes whilst the fun day will be held on Eccleshill Playing Fields.

The Fun Day is going to be a fun packed afternoon.

The main event will be the Companion Dog Show, this was a big hit last year. Accompanying the dog show judge will be a photographer, ready to take pictures/portraits of the dog show entrants.

In another arena we will be having a Line Dancing Display an Arabic Dancing display by the Tarkheena Dancers, they will also be running a dance workshop followed by another display wiich will include the people who took part in the workshop.

Other attractions include a mobile zoo, fire engine, police, alpaca's, face painting, temporary tattoo's, balloon art, hair braids, piniata's, stalls and much much more.

Members of all the various groups & organisations within East Rural have all been invited to join in the fun by having stalls at the event.

If you would like an entry form for the dog show, or to book a pitch for the car boot sale, please feel free to call 07962106482.