FARMERS have voiced concerns about the weather after records show Lancashire has experienced the 11th wettest summer since records began.

A number of farmers from the Ribble Valley said the wet weather has created many problems.

They said the sodden land has made accessing fields very difficult leaving the farmers to deal with extra manure and slurry, whilst trying to avoid negative environmental impacts.

Around 40 farmers met in Waddington last week to discuss farming in wet weather conditions in the Ribble Catchment.

Topics of discussion at the meeting, which was organised by the Ribble Rivers Trust in partnership with Natural England’s Catchment Sensitive Farming Programme, included ways to reduce diffuse pollution in watercourses, improvement of soil structure and how to access grants to help fund the improvement works.

Sarah Bolton, from the Ribble Rivers Trust, said: “We really wanted to stress to farmers the importance of observing good practice when spreading slurry and to seek advice if they have any concerns.”

Farmers were advised to contact Michael Graham from Natural England on 07770 700 830 about opportunities for one-to-one training and advice.

The Ribble Rivers Trust has also offered free confidential farm audits to identify opportunities that could reduce pollution and help farmers make cost savings at the same time.

Anyone interested in a visit can contact Sarah Bolton on 01200 444452.