A MAN refused a police station breathalyser test after a roadside test showed him to be nearly three times the legal drink drive limit.

Blackburn magistrates heard police attention was initially attracted to Glenn Morley, aged 23, when he fell off his moped in Accrington town centre.

Morley, of Prince Street, Bacup, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis. He was made subject to a community order with a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement and ordered to do 40 hours unpaid work. He was ordered to pay £150 criminal court charge and £85 costs.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said Morley was arrested after giving a roadside reading of 95 against the legal limit of 35.

“At the police station his behaviour was erratic,” said Miss Allan.

“He was happy and laughing and then became aggressive towards the officers. He refused to give a breath sample.”

Helen Oats, defending, said Morley had been out and had gone to move his moped to a safer place before he went home.

“He is not proud of his behaviour at the police station,” said Miss Oats.