RESIDENTS are being provided with free security equipment for their homes in a bid to cut crime in the Accrington area.

Those living in Springhill, Central and Church wards are being offered a free security survey as part of a new scheme from Homewise, the independent home improvement agency.

A Homewise worker or police crime prevention officer will assess what extra security measures can be taken and these will be provided and fitted free of charge.

Special distraction burglary kits, aimed at fighting doorstop crime, are also available for Hyndburn residents over the age of 60.

Andy Liptrot, community safety officer for Hyndburn, said: "The fight against ruthless conmen at the door is one that we can all help with.

"Lancashire police feel that Homewise is an integral partner in that fight, providing valuable support."

Contact Homewise on 01254 232249 for more information.