CONTROVERSIAL plans for a "super-school" in Brierfield have hit yet another snag.

Pendle Council planning officers have objected once again to plans to build 1,050-place Marsden Heights Community College on Bent Head playing fields.

The school will replace Edge End and Mansfield High Schools as part of the £250million Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in Burnley and Pendle.

Outline planning permission for the development has already been given by Lancashire County Council - the authority responsible for delivering the BSF scheme - but Brierfield and Reedley Committee members are advised to object to the latest application, which details its design.

The plans will see Edge End School demolished, and replaced with a sports pitch. The new four-storey school would be erected on Bent Head fields.

The school will have a synthetic all-weather pitch with a four-metre high fence, a multi-games area with floodlighting, a three-metre security gate, and a 15-metre high wind turbine.

The report, to be considered by the committee tomorrow, says that many of the facilities will have a detrimental impact on the conservation area, and adverse impact on neighbouring residents.

It states: "This scheme does not preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the area and therefore must be resisted."

The move will be welcomed by the many residents who still oppose the plans, including Brierfield Environmental Campaign.

The pressure group is fighting to keep the playing fields as the town's green space and build Marsden Heights on the current Edge End school site.

The original application was shelved in February last year after Pendle Council raised concerns about traffic.

As Pendle Council is only a consultee on the issue, which will be decided by county planners, the committee can only object rather than refuse.