LOVERS of traditional music are in for a treat on May 3 when The Tannahill Weavers come to Burnley Mechanics.

This colourful quintet are known as one of the most versatile bands on the Celtic music scene.

The band reflect the diverse nature of Celtic music from the lyrical laments to the heart-stirring battle songs of the Highlands.

Using a variety of traditional and modern instruments, their live set is part rock concert, part intimate gig where the arrangements blend the beauty of the traditional melodies with the power of modern rhythms. And you'll even get some bagpipes thown in for good measure.

Over the years the Tannies (as their fans know them) have been trailblazers for Scottish music, and their tight harmonies and powerful, inventive arrangements have won them fans from beyond the folk and Celtic music scenes.

Former finalists in the Scottish Traditional Music Awards, the concert will appeal to folk fans and those prepared to experience omething a little different.

The Tannahill Weavers, Burnley Mechanics, Thursday, May 3. Details from the box office on 01282 664400.