SHOPKEEPERS and businesses are warned to be on their guard after a spate of fake £20 notes in Burnley.

Police say they have had a number of reports of the counterfeit notes being used to pay for goods in shops and pubs over the last few days.

The notes are the old style - not the new design introduced last month - and feature Sir Edward Elgar on the back.

Insp Dave Croll, of Burnley Police, said: "The people trying to pass these counterfeit notes as genuine tend to use them at busy times when staff may be under pressure and may not spot the flaws.

"The side of the note with the Queen on is quite a good copy, but the reverse side is not so good and people should be able to spot it is a fake if they look closely enough.

"We would warn people to be on the look out for these notes and if they have any suspicions then they should not hesitate to contact us."

Police say they have no descriptions of the fraudsters, but they have seized some of the fake cash.

"It is being forensically tested to see if there are any fingerprints which could be used to help trace the gang.

The fake notes all bear the serial numbers AC77220317, AC54450317 or AC57420317.

Anyone with information should call police on 01282 425001.