A ROW has broken out and a police investigation launched over a Liberal Democrat election leaflet.

Labour councillors said the leaflet, produced in Urdu, had been circulated to selected areas and claimed it could stir up racial tensions in Blackburn and Darwen.

But the LibDems hit back by saying Labour were crying crocodile tears' as they too targeted areas of the borough with different leaflets.

Graham Burgess, chief executive of the council and returning officer, said he had referred the leaflet to the police.

Labour and LibDem councillors clashed over the issue at last night's full council meeting in Blackburn Town Hall.

Coun Kate Hollern, Labour leader of the council, read out a translation of the leaflet: "Due to the incompetence of the Labour Party the Muslims have suffered immensely throughout the world.

"Places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, and Kashmir, throughout every corner of the Muslim world, blood and atrocities have occurred, especially the rape of Muslim women.

"Innocent killings of children, making widows and wiping out parents of young children."

Coun Dave Harling, executive member for resources, said another sentence read: "These are the sort of human atrocities the Labour party indulges and supports at this moment in time."

Referring to the leaflet, he said: "I find this appaling. You are pouring poison through letterboxes and targeting Muslim voters."

He said such leaflets were undoing "work in the borough to promote community cohesion."

Coun Hollern said: "If I was a Muslim I would feel scared and isolated or very angry reading this. In my opinion it is illegal and inciting racial tension."

LibDem council leader David Foster said: "I can trade leaflet for leaflet. Here I have a spoof LibDem one that the Labour party has been kind enough to produce.

"Is the Labour party saying that every single leaflet they put out goes across the borough?

"That is an absolute lie. So let's not cry crocodile tears."

Coun Foster did not comment on the content of the leaflet.

After the meeting, Mr Burgess said: "A leaflet was given to me yesterday. After consulting with our legal officer the matter has been referred to police."

A police spokesman said: "We have had a letter referred to us and we are investigating to see if there is any criminal element to it."

It is the third row in a week over contents of leaflets issued ahead of the elections on May 3.