THE grandmother of a toddler who died of a debilitating condition is to raise funds for a little boy with a similar illness.

Lois Thornber, 63, of Ratcliffe Street in Darwen, organises car boot sales for charity every month and decided to donate the proceeds to three-year-old Nicholas Robinson after reading of his plight in The Lancashire Telegraph.

Nicholas, from Beech Road in Great Harwood, suffers from Alpers' Disease, a rare genetic disorder which causes the brain to kill off its cells, resulting in a loss of skills and awareness.

Lois' granddaughter, Lauren Thornber died aged two-and-a-half in 1999 with a similar unidentified condition and was unable to walk or sit up.

She was also deaf and almost completely blind.

Friends and family of Nicholas are hoping to raise £100,000, which will be used to make practical adaptations to his home.

Grandmother-of-seven Mrs Thornber, said: "I sent a letter to the little boy to see if it would be ok if I did the sale and I got a lovely letter from his grandma.

"She was just like Nicholas. I know what the family is going through."

Lauren had suffered from brain injuries and severe epilepsy since she was just six weeks old.

She died in August 1999 in the arms of her parents Dale and Nadine. The monthly car boot sale is held at the Highfield Club in Ratcliffe Street. There is space for around 25 stalls. Places are £5. Ring 01254 600398 if you for a stall or to help.