A TEENAGER was stabbed and another arrested after a fight in Marsden Park in Nelson.

Police were called to the park at 10.20pm on Saturday after receiving several reports of youths fighting.

A 16-year-old male received a three-inch slash wound to his right hip during the fight, and was taken by paramedics to Burnley General Hospital to receive treatment. The injury is not thought to be serious.

A 15-year-old male was arrested for affray, and for possession of an offensive weapon, and was kept in police custody overnight. He was interviewed by officers yesterday.

Officers said a youth, who is believed to have been drinking, was arrested after allegedly picking up a large rock and attempting to hit an already injured boy over the head with it whilst officers were at the scene.

A helicopter search was also carried out to trace young people who were unaccounted for after the fight. Insp Richard Clare said: "Some of the youths at the fight scene ran off and three of them could not be located, including a 10-year-old girl, so we carried out a helicopter search.

"All three were found safe and unharmed but quite a big search was mounted."