POSTERS of a prolific criminal are being put up around Turf Moor to stop him breaking into cars on match days.

Police say the posters of Sean Nerney will be put up around Burnley Football Club's ground for every home day match to let football fans know of the 28-year-old's anti-social behaviour order (ASBO).

Nerney, a convicted thief from Hobart Street, Burnley, was issued with the ASBO to help reduce and prevent car crime in the borough and around the ground.

If he breaches the order, which lasts until February 2009, he could face a five-year jail sentence.

Police are hoping that raising awareness of the ASBO conditions will enable football supporters to help them to enforce the order.

Inspector Damian Darcy from Burnley Police said: "The ASBO was secured to help prevent offences of car crime around Burnley FC so it is entirely appropriate that we make sure people in that vicinity are aware of it.

"We are urging anyone who spots Nerney in the area on a home match day to contact us so that we can arrest him for breach of his order and in doing so, protect the local community and their property.

"It's the first time we've actually placed posters on lamp-posts for this purpose, although ASBOs are generally promoted in local newspapers and newsletters. If successful, it's something we'll do again and again because it is important people get to know the faces of these people and work with the police to prevent them offending."

The conditions of Nerney's ASBO are: l not to enter any motor vehicle without the prior consent of the owner l not to enter Burnley on days when a designated football match at Turf Moor takes place, or if Nerney is already in Burnley, he must remain indoors two hours prior, during, and two hours after, the match.

In addition to the lamp-post publicity campaign, officers have also written to Nerney to make sure he is aware of the conditions.

He has also been reminded that he must remain indoors or out of Burnley when the next football match takes place on Tuesday night.