EIGHT suspected roadside bombers are thought to have been killed in a strike led by Duke of Lancaster Regiment soldiers in Basra.

Troops were taking part in a security operation, in the Hyall Shuala area of the war-torn Iraqi city, when they came across a group of insurgents laying the deadly mines.

Army chiefs say the 2nd Battalion team opened fire with guided ground-to-ground missiles, tanks and light arms fire.

Initial assessments revealed that there was at least eight fatalities among the suspected bombers, who were operating in the same area as militiamen who have targeted UK forces previously.

Bomb attacks last week claimed the lives of four British soldiers, including Kingsman Adam Smith, from the Lancashire regiment.

Lieut Col Kevin Stratford-Wright, Army spokesman, said: "The multi-national force in south-east Iraq must be able to strike those militia who seek to kill its soldiers, and who also intimidate the people of Basra with death threats.

"Operations against rogue militia will therefore continue, especially so against their leadership and their weapons stocks but also, as in this case, against operatives "Increasingly, over the coming weeks and months, these operations will become Iraqi-led and executed."