THE National Union of Teachers in Lancashire has had its say on Labour's education manifesto which was launched by the party yesterday.

Included in the policy announcement was a pledge to protect the education budget in real terms.

Simon Jones, who represents Lancashire for the NUT, said: “There are some positive elements in the Labour Education Manifesto such as the right for a child to be taught by a qualified teacher, smaller class sizes, the restoration of sure start and face to face career guidance.

"Ending the costly and ineffective free schools programme is certainly an essential step for whoever forms the next government as is protecting the education budget.

"Schools are desperately struggling to make ends meet as it is.

"Education funding not only needs to be protected but also needs to be restored to the levels required to support schools, including improved pay and conditions for teachers.

"There is no mention in the manifesto of the role of Ofsted in school accountability."