COUNCIL tax in Rossendale will increase by 5.1 per cent in total.

Councillors voted to approve the figures, which will mean council tax for a Band D property will go up to £1,468.91, at a special budget meeting on Wednesday.

Rossendale Council's own precept was kept to £239 at Band D, a 2.9 per cent rise which is below the rate of inflation, but this represents only 17 per cent of the total bill - the rest is made up of precepts from Lancashire Police and Fire Authorities, and Lancashire County Council.

The budget was compiled following a public consultation on how residents through money should be spent, which the council did for the first time last year.

Speaking at the budget meeting, portfolio holder for finance and risk management, Coun Michael Ormerod, said he was proud of the budget, which will be the last he presides over before he leaves to move abroad.

He outlined the five key priorities the council is trying to achieve through the budget - delivering quality services to customers; borough-wide regeneration; keeping the Valley clean and green; promoting Rossendale as a "cracking place to live and visit"; and improving health and well being.

Coun Ormerod said:"Now that our resources are healthy we can have a programme for the future that looks at other issues important to the community, such as healthcare and post offices.

"This budget delivers all this and more."

Leader of the Labour opposition Coun David Hancock said that he supported the five budget aims, and the moves that have been made to modernise the council, but said: "I do not feel that everything has been taken into account."