A teenager got into a struggle with police after he was accused of stealing money from a pub competition.

Burnley magistrates heard how Liam O'Callaghan, 19, grappled with a policewoman following trouble at The Clayton Arms in Nelson.

O'Callaghan lost his temper after being accused of taking pool competition cash.

The defendant, of Pine Street, Nelson, admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and resisting police, on December 31.

He was given a 12- month community order and 180 hours unpaid work.

Andrew Robinson, prosecuting, said when police arrived, O'Callaghan was throwing punches and trying to get at doorstaff.

An officer managed to pull O'Callaghan away from the group, but he continued to struggle before being restrained.

Mark Irlam, defending, said O'Callaghan was escorted outside by bouncers and was not aggressive until police arrived.

Mr Irlam said the defendant was remorseful and had not been thinking straight because of drink.