A PUB was evacuated after a suspected would-be arsonist poured five litres of petrol down a nearby drain.

Burned paper was found near the drain and a lighter was discovered inside the drain outside The Navigation Inn , Canal Street, Blackburn.

A spokesperson for Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service said: "At the side of the drain there was some paper that looked like it had been set on fire.

"We wondered if people had tried to light it.

"There was also a lighter which had been dropped into the drain.

"It looked like somebody had done it deliberately but it could have just been chance."

Staff and four customers were told to leave the pub just before noon yesterday because of the strong smell of petrol.

They were allowed back in 30 minutes later as a clean-up operation led by environmental health officers and the council's Emergency Planning Officer took place.

Absorbent pads and buckets were used to clean up most of the petrol.

The aa road sweeper was brought in to suck up the rest before any petrol could reach the sewers.