STAFF at an East Lancashire tax office are to be given a fighting chance' of keeping their jobs ahead of potential cuts being made in a service review.

Workers at Accrington's HM Revenue and Customs office had been concerned they would be laid off in the run up to the government's summer efficiency consultation, which could lead to the closure of the Eastgate branch.

Hyndburn MP Greg Pope contacted HMRC, which pays out tax credits and child benefits, to relay the concerns of the 120 Accrington workers.

Mr Pope said: "I have now been given a cast iron assurance that no cuts will be made before the review takes place.

"This is really good news and it gives the staff a fighting chance that the review will then be carried out fairly."

The review will look at the use of buildings and staffing levels nationwide following the creation of the HMRC department from the former Inland Revenue and Customs and Excise.

As part of a drive to save £30 million by 2008, 12,500 jobs will be cut nationally. Staff at the Nelson office are to be relocated and 50 workers in Burnley office are facing the prospect of being moved over to Shipley, Leeds or Bradford.

Accrington staff could find themselves relocated to Preston.

A spokesperson for HMRC said: "No staff will be required to move from the Accrington branch until the review is completed."

Mr Pope added: "Accrington is one of the best performing HMRC offices in the country.

"It has some excellent business results and I certainly don't want to lose it or any of the jobs there."