A MAN who smashed his way into his former friend's home and gave her a beating will win his freedom when a place is found for him at a rehabilitation centre.

Drug addict Steven McGowen, 32, punched terrified vicim Linda Whipp at least 10 times and headbutted her.

The defendant has already served the equivalent of about 11 months behind bars on remand and a judge said it was not in the interests of the public or himself that he go back to prison for any lengthy period.

Judge Edward Slinger said he would impose an 18 month community order with a drug rehabilitation requirement on the defendant, who it was hoped would be offered a place in Inward House.

Sentence will be finalised next Wednesday and the judge said until then McGowen would stay remanded in custody as he had nowhere to go and might be tempted by drugs if he was freed.

The defendant, of no fixed address, but formerly of Henry Street, Church, had admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and damage.

Hugh McKee, prosecuting, told the court last September Miss Whipp, who had known McGowen for nine months but maintained their relationship was non sexual, lived at Frederick Street.

The defendant arrived at her home to pick up belongings, they argued and after he left Miss Whipp went inside her house. At about 9.20pm, McGowen came back, the pair rowed again and he picked up a brick and smashed a window and climbed in.

Mr McKee said McGowen then assaulted the victim.

Miss Whipp was taken to hospital by ambulance and was found to have suffered a laceration to her nose, tenderness, swelling and bruises, but no obvious fractures.

The defendant was arrested the next day at home. He had 25 previous convictions.

Mark Stuart, defending, said McGowen had no previous convictions for violence and his conduct was out of character.