A TEENAGER who was over the limit and led police on a high speed chase has been given a curfew.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Michael Mannion, 18, clocked up 70mph in an 30mph zone and was not insured - although his cover had lapsed just four days before.

The defendant, of Brookside View, Oswaldtwistle, admitted driving with excess alcohol, failing to stop, no insurance and two counts of failing to surrender.

He was given a 10 week curfew, on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, between 7pm and 7am.

He was also banned for 12 months and was fined £250.

He had no previous convictions.

The court was told the defendant gave a breath test of 54 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 mililitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

Sara Lyle, defending, said Mannion believed he was insured.

His friend had been assaulted and he was asked to drive his car home.

He felt all right, had been drinking normal strength lager and did not think he would be over the limit.

He panicked and did not stop for the police.

Mannion had never had to deal with the police before and had been very naive.

He had been made redundant in December and had the chance of work.

Miss Lyle told the court: "This has been a salutory experience for him and he is genuinely remorseful."